Sefton Council has launched a consultation on charging to empty green wheelie bins. But this is not a consultation on whether to introduce a charge – that has already been decided. The reason for consulting is to find out how much people are prepared to pay.
Labour used their majority control of Sefton Council to
steam-roller through the principle of charging to empty the green bins, against
Liberal Democrat opposition. The Sefton budget assumes that the charge to empty
a green bin will be £46 a year and that over one-in-four households will agree
to pay this amount.
Sefton Council will charge to empty green bins |
Councillor Nigel Ashton explains "This is a very bad
idea. Few people will pay to have their green bins emptied and there will be a
large increase in the amount of garden waste going into landfill. The amount
Sefton has to pay in landfill tax will rise sharply as a result."
"Not only is this an anti-green measure, it makes no
economic sense."
To have your say on the green waste charge please visit
Sefton Council's website here. The consultation ends on 14th June.
The charge for collecting green waste is due to start in 2014.