Crime Alert message from the police and home watch

Merseyside Police and Sefton Home Watch have issued the following 'Crime Alert' message to residents of Southport:

"On Monday 20/01/14 at approximately 9.20am a flat-bed transit van, described as the cab section being light green in colour, was seen to drive down Norwood Crescent. There were two occupants, the driver was described as a white male, middle aged of stocky build and the passenger as a white male, early to mid 20s, slim build with dark hair.

"The van was seen to drive past a property in Norwood Crescent, stop and reverse. The passenger then alighted and knocked on the door of the property, there was no answer. The passenger checked the back garden where a boiler was located and reported back to the driver. After some persuasion by the driver, the passenger has returned to the 6ft garden gate, and began to climb over the fence. At this point both males were challenged by a neighbour. The males stated they were there to collect the scrap boiler and had the permission of the occupants. No such permission was given. The males then both drove off.

"It is believed that this van is often present  in the area of Norwood Crescent  between 9.00 to 10.00a.m. most mornings, and the occupants appear to be on the look out for scrap to steal.

"A blue 'older style full transit type van', not a flat bed, but a standard type van with Irish plates operates in the same area. Again there are a number of males on board on the look out for scrap. 


"Two males have been arrested and charged with burglary, after neighbours reported to the Police they had seen  two males going round to the back of a property in Grange Road and  behaving in a suspicious manner.

"The Police appreciate the help the public give them. In this case the information led to an arrest. 

Contact numbers: 
Police Local Neighbourhood teams - Tel. 101 
Margaret Jepson, Sefton Home Watch Adviser - Tel. 0151 777 3419