Reports in the local press about the Southport Indoor Market have been inaccurate. It has not been "saved" - simply because it was never threatened with being closed down !

There was a suggestion in a council officer's report that perhaps moving the market to Cambridge Walks, closer to other shopping areas, could be an option, rather than improving the present building.

But this speculative idea was rejected at a meeting 100% by councillors of all parties,

To put the record straight, the council issued this press statement:

Sefton Council News Release


After recent speculation surrounding proposals for the future of Southport Indoor Market, Sefton Council would like to clarify the current situation.

A spokesman said: "The council has decided to pursue the option of retaining the market on its present site and undertaking a refurbishment.

"Capita Symonds are currently drawing up plans with costs and these will then be considered.

"It is important to point out that no scheme has yet been approved or costed and no commitment has yet been made to any specific spending. There has also been no decision as to when any project would start." ENDS

This post 2009