Recycling success

Years of campaigning have finally paid off for local residents who want to recycle cardboard and plastic.

The Council have announced that kerbside collection for cardboard and plastics will be introduced in April this year. A survey carried out by pupils at Larkfield Primary School last year found that well over 90% of local parents were in favour of this additional recycling.
Jo Barton has been campaigning for better recycling for years
Local Liberal Democrat campaigner Jo Barton is delighted. She said: “For ages, Sefton Council refused to consider collecting cardboard and plastic for recycling. Their refusal meant many residents having to take regular loads to the recycling centres themselves by car. This costs money for fuel and adds to CO2 emissions.

"I’m delighted that Sefton has finally seen the light and will be joining Lancashire and other nearby Councils in collecting cardboard and plastics from the kerbside.”

Jo added: “I believe Southport should be leading the way as a ‘Green Town’. Recycling should be at the top of that agenda."