Around half a dozen recently planted young trees along Beresford Drive are no more - thanks to mindless vandals.  All that is left are the wooden stakes. We can assure residents that they will be replaced by the council. This time with protective wire barriers to make it difficult to wreck the new saplings.  But not until the planting time is right during the winter period.

Who caused this damage ?  If anyone has any information or saw anyone attacking the trees, please let us know.  It's easy to jump to wrong conclusions and automatically blame teenagers and young people.   But, talking to the council's tree department, we know that this nasty vandalism is carried out by people of all ages.

You may have seen a number of wrecked young trees along Roe Lane that were vandalised many months ago.  By sheer chance the culprit was actually spotted by the police and we have been told that it was a man in his forties.

The roads which tend to suffer this tree damage most are ones which are on the way home from local pubs.