There will be an extra consultation drop-in session on proposals to cut back on pumping stations near Southport. The consultation session is organised by the Environment Agency and will be at St Cuthberts, Churchtown (PR9 7NA) on Thursday 24th November and you can drop in at any time between 2 pm and 7.15 pm.
The Environment Agency is preparing a plan for future flood risk management within the Lower Alt with Crossens pumped drainage catchment area. This includes a proposal to cut back on pumping at some or all of the 13 pumping stations draining the low lying areas around Southport.
Local Lib Dems have welcomed the extra consultation session, which was called for by Cllr John Dodd.
John Dodd said: “Within living memory we have had flooding of some homes in Crossens from the pumped watercourses, so this is an issue of serious concern. It was unacceptable that the Environment Agency were only going to hold two consultation sessions for members of the public, one in Formby and one in Halsall.”
“The Crossens Pumping Station is one the two main facilities
for the whole catchment area and there is talk of reducing capacity there. It is essential that residents living in the northern end of Southport have the opportunity to have their say.”
Further details of the flood risk management plan for the Alt - Crossens catchment area are available from the Environment Agency website.