Row over speed humps continues

A recommendation to leave the speed humps in Crossens unchanged has been strongly attacked by Liberal Democrat councillor John Dodd.

Councillors at Southport Area Committee in May had unanimously supported Cllr Dodd's proposals to remove speed cushions on Rufford Road between Drewitt Crescent and North Road, and to reduce the height of the remaining cushions.

The three Meols Ward councillors, Lib Dems John Dodd, David Rimmer and Nigel Ashton have all expressed their shock and disappointment that Sefton Council officers are trying to overturn the decision of the Area Committee.

The final decision rests with the Labour Cabinet member for Transportation, Councillor John Fairclough. But a report to Cllr Fairclough from Council officers recommends leaving the controversial speed humps as they are.

Cllr Dodd said "The decision of the Southport Area Committee in May to my proposals was agreed by all the town's councillors, both Lib Dem and Conservative. To say I am disappointed with this turn of events is putting it mildly."

Cllr Dodd added "I have sent an e-mail to Cllr Fairclough, appealing to him to disregard the Sefton officers report and uphold the decision made at the Southport Area Committee, whose councillors represent the people of Southport".

Cllr Nigel Ashton said "If the Cabinet member chooses to dismiss the opinion of the residents of Crossens and surrounding areas, we will call that decision in to Sefton Council's Scrutiny & Review Committee."